Garlic in January
Well, here it is again ......the cold winter months, and you start to wonder if your garlic will make thru the winter. I'm sure it will...

Well , the 2019 harvest is finished and in the shed starting to cure. The next task is cleaning and sizing for marketing. After cleaning...

Garlic Scapes
Garlic Scape season is here. About 3 more weeks will be digging garlic bulbs.

Planting Garlic in October
Planting garlic in October

Garlic Recipe
Recipes from the Farm START pure.io styles link rel="stylesheet" href="http://yui.yahooapis.com/pure/0.6.0/pure-min.css"[if lte IE 8]>...

Planting Garlic seed in the fall and harvest in July
Fall planting is different........ meaning that you are planting a crop in October , then putting straw mulch down and wait. The garlic...